anyone else butting heads with their partner over name?!

I'll start off by saying my boyfriend and I had a hard time picking out a name for our son. We thought of names before we found out the gender. He brought up the name Myles but I didn't like it. Once we had the ultrasound and they told us it was a boy all I could think of was Myles. So we named him that. Now me and him have different tastes in names. I like classic names like adaline, Elizabeth, Marianna. He likes names like zoey and teagan, more updated names. So he brought up ONE name that was classy sounding that I fell in love with, it is Margaret. So of course I am stuck on it and can only imagine this little girl that I am growing now having that name. Now he says he's not as thrilled about the name. I am 24 weeks so we have lots of time. But I'm feeling frustrated because we didn't really discuss names before we found the gender because we knew it'd be stressful trying to find two genders let alone one. I've been bringing it up lately, and I've tried looking at other names but I can't imagine her with another name now, it's how I felt with my son. Any other ladies going through this? I've kept it light hearted as to not make it stressful but I'm worried I will end up having to pick a different name and it won't feel the same  feeling.