I must rant and vent

I'm feeling so overwhelmed and sad  today. My newborn is about 2 weeks old almost 3 weeks. He's been so fussy the last couple days! Like no matter what I do! I'll change his diaper- still crys. Feed him- he will puke it up, be hungry again, so I'll feed him and he'll puke it up again and cry. He's puked and peed all over himself multiple times, I've gotten no sleep. I can't help but just fucking cry. I'm having a difficult time breastfeeding. Not in a nice routine because I'm not sure if I should do one breast per feeding or two. I just want to make sure he's getting enough milk and the right milk. And even when he's feeding he's super fussy too. I'm so overwhelmed with all this. It's making me feel like I'm not doing anything right when I'm trying so hard. Yes I'm a ftm.. 
ugh 😢 Idk what to do!!!