shower together gone wrong 😩

I was taking a shower, all of a sudden, I hear the door open, and rustling outside of the shower. I open the curtain, it's my husband taking his clothes off, to jump in the shower with me. We usually don't do showers together, since our tub is a standard sized tub... I'm 38 wks along, and trying to wiggle around my husband... Its not working out so well. He starts complaining that the water is too hot. 🙄🙄🙄🙄 I go to turn the faucet to a cooler setting, and he slips, causing me to almost slip. My husband is now half in the tub, half out of the tub (legs and bottom half in tub, the rest of his body was out of the tub). He somehow thinks this is a good opportunity for some sex, and tells me to start riding him. 😂 ugh, no. I just rinsed off and left the shower. Byeeeee. ✌🏼