advice advice advice!!!! don't know how I feel

Sooo... I've known this guy half my life. I dated him when we were really young. Well he popped back up after years and earlier last month we start talking again. And we've always been kinda close. Well for the past couple months we moved from hanging out to some bedroom fun!!! Well our conversations get deep and feelings come up from all over. We usually talk everyday. But let's back up to last Saturday (January 28th) well we had sex and it was fucking amazing!!! Mind blowing to where I couldn't walk, I was so sore, legs shaking so bad, so wet (SORRY TMI) his kiss is to die for!!! He's cute In everywhere. He says he likes me and I like him. But that Sunday he texts me all morning. Then I text him about noon. He never texts me back. Now it's going on Thursday and he still hasn't text me. I haven't texted him because he works and I dunno if he's awake or sleeping. So I left him be and he'll text me when he wants. But it's like this a lot well have sex then disappear for a few days then text me all of a sudden. He's always telling me it was amazing. I felt amazing. He loved it. All that blah blah blah. 
I think about him all the time. He says the same! He even told me Sunday. He could see that he would love me and love me forever. So in my mind om like "awww" but then I'm like how could you not talk to someone "you could love" for almost 4 days. Maybe it's just me. But I dunno. He says cute stuff like. I love your ass (I have a huge ass "bubble butt") he absolutely loves it. He can't stop touching it or looking at it. He asks for pictures of it ALL THE TIME. 
Saturday shocked me he laid of his left side, I was laying on my back (both naked) and he's taking his hand up and down my body... stomach legs arms chest. And says so beautiful. 
Am I blinded by the sweet talk I guess you could say!!! Or what's going on??? I don't know what to think. Lmao every time I think about the sex I get goose bumps and wet. 🙄🙄🙄 ... sorry 
Should I say goodbye or what should I do!! If this was you what would you do. Sorry for this being long. Just need advice.