Just did my taxes and...

So I'm 20 and my husband is 30 and immigrating. I've never filed taxes before so I thought we should. 
We were in the office an hour and a half, My refund came out to $60 😭. 
The tax accountant said his fee was $230.
I didn't expect it to be THAT MUCH so I didn't have that much. So my husband paid. 
He blamed me and yelled at me on the way home saying I'm stupid because I could have googled the fee. 
He was upset- I understand why of course, but it's still not my fault. 
He then lights a cigarette. After a few puffs I roll my window down to breathe. He rolls it back up. A bit later I open it again and he said " if you don't like the smoke you can get out" . Ain't staying where I'm not wanted so I get out and start to walk. It's about a mile walk home but it was freezing. Being a California girl cold is cold. Now I'm about 2 blocks from where he told me to get out and he drives past apologizing and I get in . 
This is not the first time he's been extra. He once told me he hated me and that he wished we never met. I know after that I stayed 🙄. 
I've invested too much time to give up on our marriage and he's only like this 5% of the time. 
Advice ? Thanks 🙏🏽