Kids close in age

Does anyone have kids close in age? I'm young. My first pregnancy wasn't planned. But my husband and I were trying for about 4 months to get pregnant again and it happened! I was so excited, but little did I know the looks people would give me... my husband got a new job and an amazing raise with wonderful benefits. It's not like we can't afford to have another child. We want 5 kids all together but want to be done by the time we are 30. Okay so enough backstory... my kids will be 22 months apart and I get some of th worst looks in the OB office from some of the other patients. When I tell people I'm pregnant they get that kind of distant stare... I'm so excited but people assume this one isn't planned either! So it's hard to act all excited! Anybody have the same thing happen? One lady at my church even came up to me RANDOMLY and kept saying "bless your heart. Oh my gosh. Bless your heart." I honestly thought she was talking about my husband having to be gone for 6 weeks for work. But NOPE. SHE WAS TALKING ABOUT ME BEING PREGNANT AGAIN. I'm too nice to ever say anything. How do you ladies deal with these type of people?!