From Home Birth to C Section!


So, considering it's been almost 3 months I figured it's about time that I shared my (LONG!) birth story. Ok, I had a pretty normal and happy pregnancy up until 34 weeks. I planned on having a home water birth, but my plans started to unravel once I hit 34 weeks. I was sitting in my Bradley Method class and I felt like I was peeing on myself. At first I chalked it up to pregnancy, but I kept feeling fluid coming out. I went to the bathroom and that's when I noticed that it wasn't pee, it was blood. Bright red blood started gushing out through my panties and through my pants. Because I suffered a miscarriage a year prior I was immediately stricken with fear. I ran out of the bathroom, went to my husband and told him "I'm bleeding! We have to go now!!" I was admitted to the hospital for pre-labor. I continued to bleed. They gave me magnesium to stop the labor. It worked and three days later I was released. Four days after that hospital stay I started bleeding again. I was passing mucus-y clots about the size of a half dollar coin. I sent pictures to my midwife and she advised that I get to the hospital stat! So I went to the hospital and the checked me, checked baby, and observed me a few hours. They couldn't explain why I was bleeding but because baby was doing fine they released me the same day. A couple days later the bleeding stopped. About two and a half weeks later (almost 37 weeks), I was laying down about to go to sleep when I felt a gush of fluid come out. I looked down and there was blood, but it was different than before. There was much more clear fluid with the blood and the gush was more forceful. I thought my water had broken. I called my midwife that night and she came to check me and test to see if my water had indeed broken. It had. She told me to keep her updated on my labor progress and she would come back once things had picked up. 24 hours later and no progress AT ALL. Again my midwife advised that I get to the hospital. I get there an am admitted. They check me and check baby. We're both doing great. They ordered a sonogram to check fluid levels and my placenta. After several hours I'm told that although my fluid levels have decreased, my water did not break and they have no idea why I'm bleeding. They send me home. That was on a Friday. Fast forward to November 8th (election night). I go to lay down to sleep and again I feel a huge gush of fluid the same as before. Again, I continue to bleed and pass mucus-y clots. I call my mom and tell her what's going on and she's freaking out. She rushes over with my sister in law and the midwife tells me that she would not feel comfortable with me having a home birth and that I need to get to the hospital ASAP. I get to the hospital prepared for them to send me home. The doctor comes in, reviews my records and performs another sonogram. He tells me that I have a placenta abruption which is why I've been bleeding. My placenta, my baby's lifeline has been trying to detach itself from my uterus. He tells me that I'm not going home, I'm having the baby that night! I quickly get over the disappointment of not having a home birth and begin to prepare mentally for an unmedicated birth. Welp, they start me on pitocin (so much for unmedicated). The pitocin sped things up a bit and I started feeling more intense contractions. This entire time I've continued to bleed. There was blood everywhere: on the bed sheets, the floor, the door, etc. I bled and labored for hours. Finally, the doctor said enough is enough. He told me that I'd have to have a C Section right then or a blood transfusion. They immediately began prepping me for surgery. 30 minutes later my baby boy was born! Not the birth story I envisioned, but I'm so thankful!