FTM - Surreal comparisons

PC • Mama to Cruz 💙 Kaia 💖 and Shaea to come 💗
So this is my first, I'm 31 and have lived. I'm 5 days or less from having our baby boy... it's surreal to me and I've tried wrapping my head around just how he is going to change things. 
My only comparison is like you're bracing for labor like you know you're going to get in a major painful car accident at some point in the next couple days but can't pinpoint when and it's going to change your life forever after somehow (injury and/or life mentality) but it'll change your life perspective. Sounds pretty morbid but that's how I'm waiting for this bone crushing natural labor. And then having a human to take home, well.. that's just sleep deprivation I'm bracing for. I know the abundance of love will cover all of the above but - can't help feel the realism on this side of pregnancy. 
Anyone else? Am I crazy?