Around 3am on January 31 I woke up to go to the bathroom and felt a small gush of water

Around 3am on January 31 I woke up to go to the bathroom and felt a small gush of water. Thinking I just peed my pants a little I just clean myself up and go back to bed and sleep the rest of the night well when I wake up at 8 I feel another gush but this one was big enough to dip down my legs. So I go ahead and wake my husband band and let him know that I think my water broke. We head down to the small hospital by our house and go get checked and what do you know my water had  ruptured so they send me to the bigger hospital because I was only 36 weeks and the small hospital had no nicu and when they go to check me I'm already at a 4 cm and 60 percent effaced. Still feeling no contractions at all just had my water broke. 
We get to the hospital around 12 and they hook me up to Pitocin gradually bump me up well around 4 o'clock I'm still not feeling contractions until I feel a hard kick and another huge gush of water and it was 0 to 60. All of a sudden I had a contraction right after the other so they came and checked me again and I was 6cm so I went ahead and asked for my epidural. 30 minutes later they came in and while he was putting in my epidural I had the strong urge to push and before o could stop myself I pushed. Luckily I had an AMAZING nursing staff who helped me breath threw the contractions while he finished putting the epidural in and helped me not to push. After he finished they payed me down and within the hour it took him to get to my room and put the epidural in I went from 6cm to 10cm and it was time to push. Only had the epidural to push him out. My doctor had me push for an hour and they used a vacuum on him and there he was at 6:44pm on 01/31/17. He was 6 pounds exactly and 18 inches long. He's absolutely perfect. I've never loved someone so much in my life. He's so amazing. This is Marcus after his bath and shots.