My birth story❤


Dakota Rose 🌹 Born on 1.23.17 @6am (39w4d) 8lb13oz 21.5" long

On Thursday, January 19th, I had my 39 week appointment. We had been talking about induction, (which my husband and I weren't excited about), because my growth scans had measured the baby large every time and we weren't so sure I'd be able to have her vaginally. Baby was still very high and I was only dilated to a 1 for weeks. So we decided to do it. We were scheduled for induction that Saturday evening (the 21st). My dr had planned to start with Cytotec, (an oral pill that is taken 1 pill every 4 hours up to 3 pills to start contractions) and switch to pitocin once I was dilated enough. My husband and I went home and researched Cytotec and decided we didn't want to do that, so we decided to start with Cervadil (a strip placed on your cervix to soften and open it. Stays in place 12 hours, but considered safer than Cytotec.), instead. When we called the hospital Saturday evening they had no room so we waited. They eventually called us in Sunday morning at 3 am. Got there, started Cervadil at 5:45a waited 12 hours and after lots of sporadic contractions, I was still a 1 but now 50% effaced, baby was still very high and my cervix was nice and spongy soft. I was frustrated as I hoped for more progress. So the nurses talked to us about Cytotec and helped educate us on the benefits that Google did not. So, about 7 pm I took the Cytotec. Within the hour my contractions became regular and I began to dilate. We never needed a second pill or pitocin! About 3:30 am and 7cm dilated I got an epidural. I had a lousy anesthesiologist and she placed my epidural THREE TIMES! Then my blood pressure dropped to 50/36 and I blacked out and came to with them putting ephedrine in my IV to stabilize me. After that I was ok, but was only numb on my left side. I wasn't about to get it fixed and kinda regretted getting the epidural anyway. (Dakota is my fourth child and I've never had an epidural experience like this one!) By 4 am I felt the urge to push so they checked me. Baby was still very high (turns out she was having a hard time dropping due to her size) but I was fully dilated. The dr came in to break my water and after trying 3x realized that my water was gone. Unknown rupture time. (We figured there would be a gush after the baby came out maybe) By 4:30 I started to push. This poor baby had a hard time passing through my pelvis and came out battered and bruised, but she made it out vaginally at 6am! She's so beautiful!! So, no gush of water.. no idea WHEN my water broke! I can't stop racking my brain as to when I may have felt signs of rupture. Baby and I both had to get extra blood tests to check for infection and we were clear. Baby got jaundice from her bruises and 7 days post delivery I was in the ER with a uterine infection. Finally feeling better now and my baby is 10 days old. My husband and I didn't want an induction, but in our case doing so saved our lives! God only knows how long my water was broken. We are so blessed to have made it through with our health ❤️