What's the big deal about breastfeeding?

Alright, so this may piss a few people off, but I don't understand the huge deal about breastfeeding for a few reasons. I think it's great to do for your child and maybe some of you have some insight to these points.
1. The bond? I breastfeed my son but honestly I see no bond in it. I really do t like it and it feels like an invasion of privacy. I just do it because I think it's what's best for him, but I don't see how it is this amazing bonding time and how women cry and have breakdowns because they can't do it. I simply don't understand?
2. People preach and preach about how it's what's best, but then are feeding that same child pop and pizza all the time once they start eating! So, in the end, they pretty much undo a lot of the extra bits of health they gave to the child. It's ridiculous how many times I see this.