plans change sooo fast!!!

Destinee • 1 baby girl 1 baby due Feb22’
****our crazy delivery from start to finish****
Monday January 30 
We went to our 39 week appoint where we got the news our little one was transverse and c-section was the safest option and we would return the next morning at 6 to prep for the procedure at noon
Tuesday January 31 
We got the hospital around 5:50 am and began the prep work our OB came in and she said that she had been thinking about me and she wanted to double check the position before we proceeded further. We discovered little one was head down so the cesarean was cancelled and induction was scheduled to begin at 4 so I would have my shot at a vaginal delivery before our little gymnast flipped again. Cervadill was placed at 5 pm around 10 pm I was feeling the pain from the meds but not bad
Wednesday February 1st
2 am I was having some pretty painful contraction and was given meds so I could get some sleep then the cervadill was removed at 5 am cervix was at a one and only slightly effaced I got up showered walk a tiny bit cause I felt my hips getting uber stiff! I got started on pit a 6:15 ish and let me tell you by 8 I thought I was going to die!! Got another round of meds then so I could relax and rest. Around 10 I got another half dose and they slowed down the pit cause my contraction were on top of each other! I got checked at 1 pm was at 6cm and it was a go for the epidural and I was so out of it from the meds I think I was asleep when the needle went in😂 once all was said and done with that I got checked again and I was a 9!!! All I remember is a ton of nurses rushing around trying to get everything ready and I said oh I feel something coming out(btw I'm pretty sure I was high lol) I remember feeling like I warm squishy water ballon popped down there! The doctor came to check me and she get in to her first knuckle and says oh um time to push! 4 contractions later (about 10 min) out comes baby and I didn't feel anything!!!!
P.s recovery so far is awesome except my BUTTHOLE HURTS lol