My Miscarriage Story

I feel as though my body is betraying me. I found out on Thursday that my baby had stopped growing at 6w1d. I should have been 8w6d. I started bleeding bright red blood that morning for ~2 mins. Didn't have any other bleeding that morning. My doctor told me that the bleeding that morning indicated that my body will naturally pass the baby. I had minimal red/brown blood the rest of that day. The next day I had bright red/dark red/brown mucous discharge and small clots. Minimal cramping also. Nothing painful. The next day no bleeding/spotting. Just brown discharge when I wiped. I took a pregnancy test this morning hoping that the line would be light however it is dark as can be. I'm afraid that the worse is yet to come. My body is playing a cruel joke on me...I just want everything to be over with so that I can start to heal and move on. This was my first pregnancy so it has been especially hard. I feel so alone even though I have support of friends and family. Has anyone had a similar experience? I go back for a follow up on Friday. I'm afraid I'll have to take medication or have a d&c if my body doesn't do it on its own. 
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Posted at
Please know that you're not alone. Although, there are times I do feel t too. Ive been bleeding for a week now, yet to have a scan or see what's going on but I don't feel pregnant any more. Mine is also my first and I had no warning signs. Just woke up Monday spotting and had cramps which got worse. I'm sorry this is happening to you. Xxx


Nic • Feb 6, 2017
Yes it's awful. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. My brother piped up with one of those lines. They had their 12 week scan Tuesday whilst I was losing mine. They got pregnant their first try too where as it took me 9 or 10 months. If you want to chat privately please do so. Xxxx


Stephanie • Feb 6, 2017
Want to lay in bed and forget about everything. But of course that's not possible. I want to try right away so I am hoping that my period comes when it should and my body goes back to normal. It's scary not knowing what will happen.


Stephanie • Feb 6, 2017
Bad enormity this cramps to have passed it. Which terrifies me. I don't want to go to my appt on Friday and see it again on the ultrasound. Sadness just consumes my every thought. I cannot think of anything else. I cry all the time. I hate going to work because I have to fake being happy. I just


Posted at
So sorry, sweetie. I've had two MMCs. The first I was 10w3d, but baby had stopped growing at 8w2d. I chose a d&c as my body wasn't showing any signs of miscarriage and also I wanted to have the baby tested due to my age. The second I was 8w3d and baby was 6w1d. Again, no signs of miscarrying. I chose a d&c as we were going on a mini vacation 2 days later since it was our first baby's due date. It is so awful and unfair. I hope your body does what it's supposed to do, but if not, both my d&cs were not that bad. Hugs!


Stephanie • Feb 6, 2017
I'm sorry to hear that!


Dawn • Feb 6, 2017
They both had super rare chromosomal anomalies: trisomy 15 and mosaicism of chromosome 2.


Stephanie • Feb 6, 2017
Thank you for responding with your similar experience. What did the testing reveal if you don't mind me asking?


Posted at
You are not alone!! I also went through a missed miscarriage for my first pregnancy. I felt like you too, that my body just didn't understand what to do and let me down. I mean not only could my body not keep the pregnancy viable it also couldn't pass the baby either 😪. I chose to have a D&C as I did not want to wait for the baby to pass since for me I had no signs and it could have taken weeks! I'm so sorry for your loss. It does get easier but you will never forget 💔. 


✨Rae✨ • Feb 6, 2017
Good luck at your follow up! 😊


✨Rae✨ • Feb 6, 2017
Thanks! My dr was very positive that we would see me again by the end of the year. So hopefully he is right! I'm so ready to be pregnant again and to become a mom ❤️🌈


Stephanie • Feb 6, 2017
I wish you the best. Keep me updated as my hubby and I plan to try again as soon as doctor gives us the go ahead. I'm not quite sure if I've passed everything because I've only had minimal bleeding over the last few days. No severe cramping. Anxious for my follow up appt on Friday.