Just wanted to share my journey

Just wanted to share my journey! First time mom!!! Baby boy made his special debut at 39 weeks 5 days.. I started having menstual cramps at 2 AM.. I thought it would go away.. The pain persisted so then i decided to start timing the contractions on the contraction timing app.. They were consistently coming and were painful.. I also could feel pressure on my butt.. I then went to sit on the toilet.. I had a bowel movement.. I was so sleepy so I was able to go to sleep at 5 AM and then woke back up at 7 AM. The contractions felt like they were really close together and still very painful so then I called my midwife. Updated her.. She said to let her know when I was on my way. I woke my husband up. We got ready. Which was difficult because We took a shower before leaving and still had to pack the bags for baby and I.. (We were not prepared for his arrival) I could hardly walk or talk at this point...before leaving the house I got on the toilet because it felt like I needed to have a bowel movement again.. I didn't.. But at that point my water broke!! Husband called midwife to let her know the status.. And we were headed over to her place.. The drive was about 50-60 minutes to the birthing center.. 😞 
We finally made it and when I got inside I couldn't stand up straight.. I was trying my best to make it to the birthing pool where I was supposed to labor and deliver but I didn't make it to the tub.. I dropped down and they pulled my pants off.. I don't even recall really pushing..But I guess I took a 2-3 deep breathes and baby boy came out.. Right in the middle of the floor of my birthing center..they caught him and placed him on my chest... He arrived at 10:45 AM.. So I labored about 8 hours. This was the most amazing experience of my life. And I thank the most high for no complications, a healthy baby, my awesome husband and midwife and not giving birth in the car!!!! My birthing experience  was 100% natural as I intended it to be. No medications!! We are powerful and we were created to do this!!! I was nervous at first honestly but it all happened so quick.. I had no choice but to be strong!!