SO in the room?

Was your SO in the room when you gave birth? My boyfriend keeps saying he's not going to be in three he'll come in after the baby is born. And I'm really upset about it. Maybe I over reacted but I told him thing between us will not be good if he's not in there. Like I will reconsider our relationship if he's not there. Which I know that part was too much. For some reason he thinks he has to watch it happening and I keep telling him he just needs to be by my side. Am I wrong for being upset he doesn't want to be with me? I feel if you have the chance to watch your child being born you should be there and support the women you love and that's going through all this agony to give you a child. I just want him there to hold my hand. I'm almost considering just not even letting him be in the room if he keeps saying that. But it really upsets me and I really feel like I'll never forgive him if he has the chance to be in there and he's not.