Faint Line?! Advice appreciated -

Ok, so my January AF was due 01/13 - I did bleed but NOTHING like my usual cycles. Very light and only last about 3 days (01/13-01/16). Normally my cycles are very heavy and last 5 days. We BD when my ovulation test was positive on 12/31. If my cycles are right, I should have ovulated again 01/22-01/28 (if not pregnant) but every ovulation test I took wasn't valid. I didn't even get a control line the entire week. Idk what that's about. AF is due back again on 02/09. I took a test yesterday and within 10 minutes this is what I showed (see image). Does anyone else see a faint line?! Or do I have line eyes?! Here's the kicker. I immediately took another test (different brand) and it came back negative (no image). I'm so confused. Any suggestions or ideas ladies?!?