constantly nauseous

Hi everyone, bit of a strange question here but I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas as I hate visiting the doctors and wasting time. Through most of last week I was suffering with terrible heart burn which I never ever get but then it stopped just as quick by the end of the week. Saturday I was ok then since Sunday I have been constantly nauseous and can't seem to keep any of my food down no matter what time of the day or night but I'm ok with fluids. Apart from that, I feel fine in myself. I am ruling out pregnancy as I only finished my period about 10 days ago. I do sometimes go very light headed which I put down to not keeping my food down. The only other symptoms I am having is pains on my right side quite badly and a little on the left but not as much which I am assuming is just me ovulating? the hubby are trying for a baby but I know I can't be pregnant this quick.  Anyone got any ideas? 
Baby dust 👶🏻 xx