personal health or advice...I think

Hi :) 
I don't post much on here but I am asking for for some much needed advice.
So I went to the doctors and they that I am pre-diabetic diabetes runs in my family but I still have a chance change things leading health wise this happened a few months ago but some back round that might help is 
I'm 15 I'm 5'7 1/2 but I just say I'm 5'8 I weighed 169 when I went to the doctors but right now I weigh around 180 😬
I was diagnosed as pre-diabetic because of how rapidly i gained weight around the last year of middle school things weren't really easy so I started to eat my emotions...I gained 20 pounds in a year which doesn't really seem that much of a big deal but in my doctors hands she says I need to start taking more care of my self I agree I don't really watch what I eat or move around much at all but I want to change that because I figure it's better for me and for my health if I learned how to take care of myself now rather then later when it might be too late.
I'm comfortable with my body but I would like to see some progress I showed my body so you guys can get a better idea of what it looks like and how I'm built I guess 
Thank you for the feed back :)