possible pcos ...

Rebecca • Wife💍 Harrisons mommy 🥰 TTC baby #2
I went to the doctors on Monday and my doctor thinks I might have pcos. My periods go from 29 days to 36 days and are always unexpected... either late or early . I haven't missed a period at all but I also get aching or shooting pains in my ovaries and have hair growth in weird places etc . I went for an ultrasound yesterday and I saw the report as she was typing it up and there was something on there about my right ovary ... but she also spent a ton of time and took a ton of pictures on my liver which was weird . I just went for bloodwork this morning to check my hormones ... I'm honestly terrified . I know that many women get pregnant with pcos and it's more of a painful nuisance than anything and it can take months or years to get pregnant . All I want is to be a mother one day . I'm only 22 but in about 4 years I want to be a mom . Anyone out there with pcos that can assure me if I do have it , everything will be fine ... any pcos ladies with babies out there ?