My sons Birth story 💙

So my little one just didn't seem to want to come out I was 2 days away from due date.   I could of waited to go into labor on my own but my doctor was concerned about my huge swollen feet and I wasn't making much progress as far as dilating I was at 1cm for almost 3 weeks, plus my husband is going to leave the country on the 11th of this month so we felt induction was the best option for us. I was very excited, nervous, but most of all scared because inductions have a higher risk for C-sections. I felt the support I had, there was a group of people from church and family members praying for me back home. 
When I got to the L&D it was 6pm (Feb 1st) I didn't have my OB doctor who saw me my whole pregnancy. But the doctor who induced me was very informative, patient, and had compassion. I loved her! She was also pregnant herself!! She was 6 months along LOL Thankfully because of the memebrane sweep done 2 days before I was already 3cm when she first checked me so no medicine needed to be inserted. Got the IV then Pitocin and some antibiotics since I was Group B positive and later the Epidural. Thanks to the Epidural it made everything go smooth & quick  Also made me fart a lot LOL I remember telling the nurse "I'm sorry I'm sorry" quite a few times 😂 she said it was okay for it meant the Epidural was working because it made my muscles relax and Pain was tolerable and even slept for 2 hrs. 
By 6am I had the urge to vomit all of sudden. I didn't have a basin so my husband quickly called the nurse for one and then she said let's go ahead & check your cervix to which she quickly said 
"OMG your water broke..and your at 10cm" she ran out to call the doctors and the other nurses. By this point, everything seemed like a big blur to me I just remembered that my sons heart rate was dropping & made me wear the oxygen mask which made me feel suffocated..they kept turning me on my right side because baby seemed to like that position & it was the only way to keep his heart rate up. And me not knowing when to push wasn't helping.......the Epidural had me so numb I couldn't feel anything. It was pretty scary, because the doctor kept saying if it continued C-section might be the option or using that vacuum instrument on his head but both had dangerous risks. So I didn't want to give up I kept pushing and pushing for 30min nonstop until my husband yelled "You got this babe! His head is out" that encouraged me to give one last big push I nearly passed out and suddenly I heard the loudest cutest scream...and with that I present you my baby boy Jeremiah 💙 who was born on Feb 2, 2017 at 6:40 & weighed 8lb 7oz