
I feel like doctors in NYC push you to get every test under the sun (even if the insurance doesn't cover it) so I decided not to do the panorama test just because my obgyn said I'm only 27 and didn't have any issues with my first pregnancy. I had to switch obgyns now because the one I went to was too far from me and even tho I LOVE her, it was difficult to get there..anyway, my new obgyn is giving me a hard time over this test and is putting pressure on me to do it. When I confronted him that my insurance won't pay for it he replied, oh we have a great deal with the company- they will only charge you $250! 😩 The way I see it,  nothing will change if the baby were to have Down syndrome. I will still have the same love for him or her. Am I crazy for not doing this test?! There are so many other tests they will run on you and baby anyway so what difference does it make. If the insurance won't pay for it then it must not be medically necessary.