Conspiracy theories.


I've seen a lot of different opinions on conspiracy theories and a lot of arguments about them. I've also seen a lot of different conspiracy theories.

What is your opinion on conspiracy theories? What are some of your favorite and what are some you think are annoying ones? What are ones that you could or do believe?

I think conspiracy theories are fun. I love love love government conspiracy theories. I think Marilyn Monroe conspiracies are annoying because it's just so talked about and I don't fully believe that she was murdered by the government or by the president or his brother. One that I believe is 9/11 was an inside job. There's just too many holes in the government's story that I can't get behind it. I also really want to know wtf is going on in Area 51 and all the spots that are supposedly censored out on Google Maps. 😂 Curiosity is too high with that one.