Prenatal Vitamin Shaming

Dear Glow. I do not appreciate the shaming for not taking my prenatal. While I know they are good for me, they absolutely are not essential to the health of my baby. How do I know that? Well. I had HG with my first pregnancy. I tried SEVEN different prenatals and puked every.single.time I tried them. Every time. So. I stopped taking them. I figured that not taking them and actually keeping my food down was the better option for nourishing my baby. And guess what. I had a HEALTHY 8 lb 10 oz baby boy. They absolutely were not essential to his health, and on days that I'm doing everything in my power to keep my food down, I'm absolutely not going to take them. Making moms feel like they are depriving their unborn child of what they need to thrive just because they skip the prenatal sometimes is not helpful. We are doing what we can to survive this terrible thing called morning sickness. 
Stop making me feel like I'm depriving my child. 
End Rant.