cheater *venting*

Caught my unborn baby's father in. Lie!!! I went through his phone me seen a text from an random number. So I went to his call logs and I seen where he has been calling this number/ receiving a lot of I texted the number and said "so I assume your messing with Keith" the number text back and said "who is this" then calls!!! I answer the phone and my heart is racing because I don't want to believe it, then I hear a woman's voice on the other end asking "who are you" I said this is Keith's gf...she responded and said "he didn't tell me about a gf last night" so she goes on and tells me about how he is begging to see her and how she has texts from him...I told her I was pregnant and she said "thank you for letting me know"... asked for the copy of the text messages so I will have proof so when I confront his lying ass I will have evidence!! He tried to take my phone and break it because he said...wait for it...........WHY DID I CALL HER? IM DUMB FOR EVEN CALLING HER AND LETTING HER TELL ME LIES!!! We fought for HOOOOOOUUUURRRRRRSSSS and he blames me!!?!?!?!🤔 WTF?!?! I sit at home EVERYDAY and cook and clean and take care of our 3 kids while dealing with the pregnancy morning sickness, clean up after HIS freaking puppy and still find time to sexually please him!!! AND HE GOEA OUT AND BLAMES ME FOR GETTING MAD AND HURT BECAUSE HE DECIDES TO CHEAT?!?! Here's the messages!!!