Looking for some advice and venting.

I've had pain in my stomach and back on the right side for almost a year, it's so bad I cant bend down or move without almost crying in pain, I was hospitalised with it last may and kept in for almost 4 weeks but they weren't sure of what the cause was, my doctor has been amazing, she sent me for a laparoscopy in December and the doctor there said it's not endometriosis but couldn't be 100% sure. I was referred to pain management while in hospital and have been meant to be seeing them every 3 months (although it's been more like every 5 months) they said I had a type of pain that only certain painkillers will help (but I've explained it's not the type of pain they're describing), I've tried 2 types of medication to see if it'll help with the pain but it's done nothing. I went today and was told that the pain is all in my head and I need a psych evaluation, and they won't see me anymore as they've been through both medications I can have.

The problem I'm having is they refuse to listen to me, when I try to explain what kind of pain I'm suffering with they tell me it's wrong and they know best, they repeatedly tell me that I need a psych evaluation, they refuse to help because I'm 'too young' to be in this type of pain, so I'll just have to live with the pain.

What can I do now? Should I put a complaint in about them? And is there any medications that can be used with severe pain in the stomach/back? Thanks for reading, I'm just lost and don't know where to turn.