maternity leave options?

Hayley • Luke 7/15/17; Colt 6/14/19; #boymom 💙💙
So I work for a small family owned lawn care company and I do the production side so I'm out spraying chemicals and applying fertilizer. I haven't talked to them yet as we are just getting geared up for this season, but I wanted to get some ideas on what to do. So the first problem is obviously I can't be out spraying chemicals while pregnant. Which means from about mid-late April till July I have no clue what is going to happen with my work or if they even legally have to give me something to do or if they can lay me off for those months. The second problem is I very seriously doubt I will have any paid maternity leave and I would like to take a minimum of 8 weeks. Is there anything else I could possibly look into to get some kind of payment for income? I'm due July 13th. Also my work is an hour away from the hospital so would it be a good idea to stop working a week or two before I'm due or maybe just see if they would let me cut back my hours if they keep me working that long? If you have any other job ideas that would be great because I've been looking for other jobs where I could work less hours overall for the same or more pay and be closer to home and idc what the job is as long as it would work with the schedule I need