Scared of Dogs

🐬 Hailey ♒
I'm so irritated with the people in my building. I own a pit who's honestly just a huge hyperactive baby. He's also really vocal so he seems aggressive when he's not. Anyways I only live on the second floor of my building but I have to use the elevator because my dog has a leg injury. What kills me is that three times today someone got on the elevator after us, waited for the doors to close and then asked if he's friendly. What? Why would you ask after you're stuck in a huge ass metal box!? Also people stand in the corner of the elevator saying "oh I should stay calm and not move because he's a pit bull right?" Geez if you're that scared don't get on the freaking elevator. Where is your common sense? This has been happening since I moved in and it boggles my mind. Sorry I just wanted to rant but thanks for reading to the end if you did.