I have 159 days until my wedding..

I've been using my fitness pal and have had good results so far working on my diet and tracking everything. However I don't have friends where I live and my fiances work schedule doesn't really allow us to go to the gym together so I need some advice. 
I need to tone up my arms, my butt and my thighs. 
I also want to see some weight loss. 
I am 222 lbs so I'm not expecting to be 150 in 159 days lol but I would like to make some progress. I was doing good and going to the gym about 3x a week for an hour or so and then stopped going. Now I'm ready to get back in gear. 
Any workouts or advice would be appreciated. I'm ready to get back at it. I feel awful about myself now that I've skipped a couple of weeks.