Feeling vulnerable and angry *Rant*

I am so mad at my family that I'm ugly crying. I'm getting put on the back burner, for what feels like the millionth time in my life. My mom has missed almost every important milestone in my adult life because someone else always comes first. The day I graduated high school, she missed my graduation because my sister was in the hospital for premature labor. My wedding day she couldn't come because we were living across the country and it was too far for my younger sisters to travel. My college graduation she didn't go because my baby sister had a choir concert. She missed the birth of my first child (@ 28 weeks) because she had to go out of state with my dad on business. Now she was supposed to stay home with our son, while I get induced tomorrow but she can't because one of my sisters decided to get married at the courthouse last minute. So not only do I not have a sitter, but my husband will have to miss the birth of our daughter because, once again, someone else is more important. You think I would be used to always getting pushed aside, but it never stops hurting. I even tried to reach out to my extended family and nobody can watch my son, so I get to drive myself to the hospital and sit there alone (again) while I wait for the baby to show up or my mom to finish at the courthouse, so she and my husband can trade places. And who knows how long that will be, since it's Valentine's Day, and first-come, first-serve. Plus my sister and her stupid boyfriend are always late to everything so I won't be surprised if they don't get there until like noon. I'm so scared I'm going to end up needing a c-section and I won't have any support system. I've suffered from depression my entire life and this is he type of shit that pushes me over the edge. I don't know what to do.