just need to vent

I am so frustrated. My 6 week old baby I feel is playing tricks to torture me. It's absolutely infuriating. She'll wake up, be changed, eat, burp, be put to sleep and as soon as she falls asleep she poops, so I change her, she poops again and is crying, then she wants the binkie, then she won't go back to sleep because I've had to change her again. I'm just so done with this parenting thing it's starting to get frustrating and I need a vacation that I'm never going to get. I feel so defeated when she does this shit and it makes me so mad because I could have just gone back to sleep but of course she had to poop so now we're both stuck awake for another hour or so. Fucking A this is just stupid. I need sleep baby please just make this easy on me for a few nights.