Please Help Me!!! Measured at 5 Weeks 5 Days

I don't know where to post this!... I am going to post it in a few of the categories so I can reach as many people as possible. I am in serious need of good vibes/good positive intentions and prayers!... If you feel guided please help me! Here is my situation. I had my 2nd ultrasound yesterday and we did see a fetal pull! Yesterday my baby measured at 5 weeks and 5 days, which is at least 1 week off of where the growth should be measuring at. There wasn't a heartbeat, which I am not surprised due to how early the baby measured at. My HCG level has dropped a little. Last Friday I was told to prepair for the loss of my baby!... My pregnancy symptoms have calmed down for the last 7-8 days. I do believe in miracles and I have been working on creating and manifesting what I want since my doctors appointment yesterday!... Even though they say that if the baby has stopped growing that I will loss it, I don't believe that to be 100% for sure thing! I have had no bleeding or spotting and no sever cramps. I want my baby to get back on track and be a healthy, strong and full term baby! I am 33 almost 34. To my knowledge this is my first baby and I want to have this baby and become a mommy more than anything in the world!... Please help me create my miracle! Thank you in advanced!