March baby, not April anymore 😧

Went to the doctor today for my 31 week follow up and I am officially scheduled to be induced on march 26. Our original due date was April 14. We have been suffering with low amniotic fluid, so the doctors feel like it's best if she's delivered by 37 weeks. I am so excited that I get to meet my best friend and baby girl sooner than later but I know that it's only a month and 10 days away and that just gives me chills. I am so scared and nervous, yet so excited. Baby girl is healthy, however the dr told us to expect a very tiny baby as I am 31 weeks and she is measuring at 27 weeks only. We are definitely going to invest in preemie outfits and diapers now. Pray that everything goes well for us and our sweet Annabelle💜Â