Sorry for the long post...

Alright so my SO and I have been going about this for about a year now... we started out as just FWB but then we started to fall for one an other.. he moved in with me about 3 months into our FWB relationship, about 3 months after that I told him that I thought I loved him (I did say this when I was drunk out of my mind.) But the next day he asked me if I meant it and if I did then we'd continue on only a little more serious then just FWB. He later admitted his feeling were the same towards me. About 3 months after us talking about how were basically a couple just lack the title he sleep with one of his co-workers and told me about it the next day because he was drunk when it happened... 9 months into our relationship and the cheater he told me he was finally came to the picture.. I stuck around because I loved him and I could see the pain that sleeping with her caused him, because it was the look in my eyes when I looked in the mirror. Well here we are a year later, and he wants to leave because I went through his phone after he told me he was talking to an other female co-worker about me and how I was crazy.. he told his co-worker I was "grabbing my gun and going after her" for talking to him in the drive way in her car because she gave him a ride home from their managers meeting at work. He says that if I can go through his phone then obviously I can't trust him and he can't trust me because I invaded his privacy. Even though our relationship consists of fighting most days over stupid stuff I have a massive amount of love for him and he once did for me... he knows how to hurt me, all he has to say is he doesn't/never did love me and he did tell me that. I'm not sure if he meant it or not but he's been acting different since he told me he was leaving (this isn't the first time he's threaten me by saying he'll leave.) He says he's done with me because I'm controlling, crazy, constantly accuse him of cheating on me when he's out late with friends and always starting fights. The controlling aspect: I ask him where he's going when he's going out, not to be nosy but to make sure if anything happens I know where he is and I know if he's safe or if I need to find him to make sure he's still alive (lol.) The crazy aspect: I don't like when he's talking to other girls I get mad/jealous about it mostly because the girls he talks to are like a perfect 10/10 and in my eyes are prettier than I am and are usually a lot smaller than me. The constantly accusing him of cheating: he has cheated on me once before, and he stays out at the bars til closing time and doesn't come home afterwards.. I don't know where he goes, sometimes he'll come home anywhere between the house of Midnight-7 in the morning. And I start fights with him because he pays his phone, his Playstation, his co-workers, his friends everyone but me more attention, I mean I'm the one he's falls asleep next to and give him the attention he needs when he wants it yet he doesn't give me attention when I want a stinkin kiss. I love this man so much even though we fight, even though he doesn't give me as much attention as I'd like, even though he's cheated on me once, even though he talks to other girls, even though he's a total pain in my a**... but he doesn't want to do it anymore because I'm "crazy." And ask him questions, and worry about him, and fight with me... I don't want him to leave but I also feel like there's no point in trying to stop him because it's what he says he wants...

(Reply if you'd like was just kind of venting a little bit)