Adelina Khaleesi is here

Brittney • 28. Married💍. Christian🙏🏻. Mommy to Adelina (3 yrs) 👧🏻 Nikolás (4 mo)👶🏻💞🥰
My birth story starts off by going a week over my due date. My dr scheduled me to be induced on February 13th @ 10:00 pm. I get to the hospital, and settle into our room. They start me on some pills to thin out the cervix, and to get me to dilate. At 3 am on February 14th, they told me that they would have to give me medicine to stop the contractions due to my baby girls heart rate. Fast forward to 7 am, and they start me on pitocin, we go all the way to 4 cm and I get the epidural. Dr comes in @ 8 pm to break my water, and informs me there was meconium (poop) in the amniotic sac, but not to worry chances were she didn't inhale anything. Around 11 pm @ night @ 5 cm, they told me my baby girls heart rate was not right, and that her umbilical cord is getting in the way, so I'd have to have an emergency c-section. On February 15,2017 @ 12:20 my c-section started, it turns out her umbilical cord was too short, and she wouldn't have been able to be born vaginal either way. During my c-section I was
 not doing well, they gave me strong meds, but at 12:49 am my beautiful girl was born @ 6lbs 9 oz & 19 inches, all the pain was worth it 💕