Can't fulfill my husband and I's dream

We want a baby. We want one SO bad. My husband leaves for the navy in 2-2 1/2 weeks so we didn't have forever to try. We tried and tried for 7 months and I FINALLY got a positive test on Sunday. Well Tuesday I got my HCG levels checked and they were at 51. Wednesday I ended up in the emergency room because I was cramping and had brown(assuming old blood) discharge with some VERY faint pink spotting. They took my levels and they were at 46 and let me and my husband know we are having a miscarriage. We left and had a family vacation planned with his family the next day(today) until Sunday and I keep having more brown discharge (some kinda stringy looking but very small) and light cramping. I brought urine pregnancy tests with me and have been testing positive on them. Although I don't know what my hcg level is until my OBGYN appointment when I get back home. Is there ANY chance I can still have my baby & that I'm not having a miscarriage? Has this ever happened to you? It is SO hard being here and seeing all the little kids or going into the gift shop and seeing the baby items we were planning to purchase. Please any words of encouragement would be so helpful.