Baby sat 3 kids Saturday morning

Baby sat 3 kids Saturday morning. 7yr old, 4yr old and 1yr old. While walking around dressing the 1yr old around 2pm I felt a quick gush 😳 and immediately had to pee. I looked up at my bf and said uh oh! Use the rest room and thght nothing of it until I started getting cramps and continued feeling the gush. Called my doctor and she asked me to come in. Checked in and nurse came to check me and still 1.5cm dilated😩! Nurse checked my cervix and did a swab test. Came back in and first thing she said "ok let's get this thing rolling, we're going to head up to labor and delivery, your water broke 😳! All I could do was laugh! (Is this real,?? Am I really about to deliver my baby boy!? Doctor had to break the rest of my water, after that pain was coming back to back. I was on IV to help dilate and contractions was on top of each other. Long story short I was in labor for 27 hours!! Baby was to big and doc had to use the vacuum method to get him out. Shoulder split me and gave me 2nd degree tear and hemorrhoid😫😫! After delivery I experienced the shakes and was so cold I was hooked up to this machine called a bear followed by 8 blankets. After all I am PROUD  to say it was all worth it !!! Meet Khyren!! 7lbs 10.7 oz, born 2/12/17, at 39&4 weeks