My hurricane baby! Birth story...

Mrs.Indy 💞💞 • Proud Mommy of 1(10/8/16)and #2(7/31/18) on the way!

I live in Jacksonville FL, in October we had a big hurricane (hurricane Matthew)... My due date was Oct 5th 2016. My due date passed.. No signs of baby. On the 6th we were being evacuated because of the hurricane we live like 10mins from the beach... So we got an hotel away from the beach. But my hospital was at the beach... At this point I didn't know where I would go if I go in labor. I called around every to hospital, finally an answer, I was to go to a hospital my doctor was moved to. Ok relief... We settled down into the hotel room. First night went fine. In the morning (Oct 7th) I felt strange, but I thought I had to go to the restroom. I couldn't go... As the day went on I just keep feeling the urge to use the restroom but felt constipated. Around 7pm I was eating ice then decided to play with my dog. I was on all fours rotating my hips then I suddenly felt a pop then a gush! *Oh shit, I think my water broke!* My husband was in disbelief... He started panicking, *what are going to do with the dog, it's flooded out there and pouring, what are we going to do...let me see, did it really break?!* He finally calmed enough to make phone calls. He carefully drives to the hospital through water and power outages. Finally at the hospital, the lights are out there too.. Thank God for their generator. My contractions were close and strong! My husband keep trying to make me laugh, I just wanted him to shut up! Lol... Anyway, after being hooked up to the baby monitor thing, I needed an epidural! After receiving it, the nurse kept telling me to move side to side because the baby heart rate wasn't giving the reaction they wanted, it was too steady not what they wanted, idk. Well the baby was just chilling in there not wanting to leave, I really wanted her to leave, lol! They had me push for a while.. Nothing! My doctor said those words no one wants to hear.. cesarean.. I was petrified! Everyone was saying it'll be OK, as long as she's healthy. I felt like a failure.. Like I wasn't strong enough to have a "normal" labor. My husband kept reassuring me that I would be fine and that he'll be right there. After the surgery... My baby cry is all we cared about... We balled our eyes out! She was so perfect and pale.. Lol. Oct 8th 2016, 4:06am, 7lb 14 oz, 20 in long

Rylynn Yvonne ❤️❤️

Thank you for reading! She's 4 months now!