Illegal Immigration

So a lot of people like to talk about the fact that they are breaking the law and that's the only way to look at it. But let's all take a second to realize that illegal immigrants don't come here for shits and giggles like "I just risked my life to cross into the US just for the lolz." These people are coming here to get away from some pretty fucked up shit and now I ask you to put yourself in their shoes. 
You live in a country where people are murdered in the streets. Bombs are flying. Gunfights. Gang violence. Kidnapping. Water is dirty and undrinkable. Food is scarce. Living under a tyrant. You have one choice to keep your family safe. Leave. Are you seriously telling me that you would wait YEARS to leave just so you can do it legally. I've seen a lot of you women freak about giving your kids a soda I can't imagine any of you would wait years to get out of a country like that. 
Put yourself in their shoes. Have empthay and ask yourself what would you do.