Highly annoyed vent

My husband and I just moved into a new rental that we absolutely love. However we have major issues with the rental company not doing their job. So anyways since we moved in there has been a leak under Meath our sink which we were told they "fixed" however it wasn't fixed at all and come to find out the people before us had this leak and never even mentioned it. So now it looks like the following. At first I didn't take a hard enough look to.notice until yesterday when i started smelling a musty mildew smell all through out the kitchen. So I looked closely and what do I see?! BLACK MOLD!!! We've called the maintenance​ line and they said they would put the work order in but couldn't tell us when someone would be coming. Mind you I'm pregnant. I even emailed the guy we signed our lease through since if you call you can never get a hold of him and haven't heard from him. I'm getting to the point I just want to have a break down because I don't know what to do at this point. I know we can spray stuff on it during the meantime but honestly I also feel like that's not our job to do right now considering they should have had that taken care of and why should we spend on the money on it. I'm also just annoyed because I figured my husband would care a lot more too but he doesn't. So of course it's like I'm the one who is needing to put the bitch pants on and handle this myself. I'm just so disgusted. I don't even want to be in the kitchen.