blood pressure

So I've been having blood pressure issues the entire pregnancy, low blood pressure not high. Even got written out of work because I was blacking out. Recently it's been better esp cuz I'm not at work been stay around 100/50 - 110/60 vs the 60/35 it was. So now I have already started to dilate and I'm pretty sure what I saw when I went pee was part of my mucus plug, so essentially I'm waiting for my water to break. Today I keep getting spontaneous contractions and feel absolutely sick. Now I'm used to this part the part that's worrying me is I feel completely fatigued like I just went to the gym for 5 hours. All my muscles, even my arms, are wet noodles. As well as brain fogginess and light headedness. Is this normal or is it my blood pressure? I don't know.