SOS PLEASE pink discharge 5 days before period

My period is scheduled to start this coming Wednesday but today I randomly had pink discharge with a little bit of red tissue mixed in. I assume it's spotting? I've only ever had it a few times right before I'm about to start bleeding so I anticipated my period starting early but nothing happened for the rest of the day. 
I've been feeling period symptoms for about a week before today, which I found odd as it usually happens a week before my period is supposed to happen. The usual stuff for me, sore breasts, achey back, mild cramping. A few days ago I started feeling sick with a cold and with it dizziness and some nausea. 
I've been more stressed than usual lately. To an alarming degree where I've cried at least once every day for the past week. There are a lot of things going on in my life. Could it just be stress?