🌻Charlotte 🌿 • Right-wing. Mom. Student. Exciting, right?
I was scrolling through my news feed and I saw an article about child sex dolls. 
The purpose of these dolls are supposed to be for pedophiles so that they can act out legally and ethically without causing real harm. Some people say that this will increase their urges because it will only partially fulfill. However, others say they help and it's a good idea to keep them off the streets and away from children. 
The man who made the company, Shin Takagi, is a known child molester. The company name is Trottla. He argues that pedophilia is a psychological disorder caused by malfunctioning of the brain (true) and that someone struggling with pedophilia cannot help it. So why not give them an outlet for that, given it is chronic?
So far, I believe this is a real company that is legal in Japan. 

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