Im so confused.

Ladies if you been dating a guy for 2 years and he just tells you you where his first after 2 years. How would you handle it and feel. After he lied about it.
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He lied about because he didn't want to sound like a wimp that never got laid.I would not be upset in any way. I would probably love him even more knowing I was his first.


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Appreciate it that's hard to find most guys fuck anything and can have any disease and can have a bunch of kids. I'd b stoked to b his first. Appreciate it don't pick it apart it's somthing good 


Posted at
I would feel like he felt the need to compare my sex life with his because he was probably embarrassed maybe. and actually feel a little happy about it being I would of been his first. Everyone lies about something. We aren't perfect. At least he didn't say he has an STD from his ex lol.


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That you took his virginity?