need to vent and get this off my chest

My boyfriend and have been dating for 3 years.  This summer my grandfather became very sick and was on hospice(hate to say we knew he was going to die but he was 84 and stuck in bed) Well my bf was with his family on vacation in another state when he died (4 hour flight away). I know he was busy doing his own thing but we have been dating awhile and I feel like his family is mine. He saw my grandfather more than his own (his lives 15 minutes from him and they seem him 6 times a year, I've met him twice). I never told my boyfriend this but it really hurts me that he at least didn't try to fly back. We go to colleges in different states (7 hour drive) and god forbid anything happened to his grandparents I would be on the next flight to be there. I just felt like he was expected to be there. I mm not trying to be a snob and say he had to drop everything for me but at least try and see what he could have done. This was over 6 months ago and it stills hurts me that he wasn't there to be supportive of this. Will I ever get over this? I never told him because he can't change what he did. My bfs one grandfather passed away over 7 years ago and he's still upset/cries ect but with mine he just ignores and didn't comfort me or talk or anything. I just had expectations for him to act and to be there for me and my family just like I would have been.