Small Victories

I know this isn't a huge thing but it's big to me. I have been off birth control a year now. We have been trying to conceive but nothing yet. I have been taking provera over the last 6 months to help start periods, in hopes id actually ovulate. I have lost 30lbs and was getting frustrated that I still wasn't ovulating. My doctor advised I continued to lose weight but if I wanted, I could start Clomid. I told her I'd give my body one more cycle to see if I ovulate before doing that. So I took the provera 3-4 weeks ago and started my period 2-3 weeks ago.  Been taking ovulation tests with no luck but I began to feel crampy, nothing bad but still annoying. Well on Wednesday I started my period all on my own! I was so excited that I even was able to do that! I haven't had a period on my own since well before I was on birth control years and years before. Fingers crossed this is the first step of FINALLY ovulating and maybe getting pregnant soon!!