some help with my sister.

I need advice I don't know what to do. This is going to sound rough but, my sister is the biggest unpaid whore in our town. She sleeps with every guy she can, every night it's someone new. She hits up all the bars and brings home the first guy she meets. I know she does not use protection and her excuse is that she's allergic to latex. She's all over Topixs and the rumors about her never stop. Her behavior is so destructive and a lot of my family have tried talking to her about it but she gets defensive and turns the conversation around to blame everyone else and make herself the victim. As soon as I try and talk to her she gets mad and leaves. I don't know how to get through to her, to make her understand how dangerous this habit is. How likely it will be that she will get a STD or multiple STDs. That one of those guys she brings home could really hurt her. I don't know what to do to get her to understand.