No quality time

Carlotta • Finally having my lil boy!!!
My fiance and I have been together for 4 yrs but engaged for almost 1. Up until getting pregnant things were really good. He would buy gifts just because, randomly hug and kiss me, joke around, just everything that would make any woman happy. Today he took me to pamper myself before baby arrives and it felt good. Now, i havent had much of a sexual appetite but please him when i can but today i felt like doing just that. So i prepared our bedroom for a lil playtime while he was gone so when he got home it will be like before baby. He left at 3pm and its now 130 am and hes still not home. I know where he is and im ok with that but its like he never makes time to be with me anymore. Every weekend hes with his brothers (mine and his) and im left home. Is it me and my hormones or is shit really fucked up