Butterflies in my stomach every time I think of a BFP.

This cycle I'm really going to go for it. Although I've been trying for a year I've not been actively trying. I removed my mirena coil over a year ago. Although I have endometriosis I don't feel as though this will be my issue. I've been taking folic acid for 3 weeks now. I should start taking pregnacare too. On the 21st-22nd I plan to use concieve plus. I have to wait until the 7th March to test. But I'm sooooo anxious, worried and excited. If I did get a BFP I wouldn't even know what to do. 
Any cycle buddies? Any tips? I'm really ready to make my fiancé a father and to bring my new best friend into the world one day. *sighs* 
Baby dust to us all 💫✨