Pre seed


Ok ladies i need options and and my husband r ttc baby #3...i had a MC in march 2016 Nd july 2016...we habe been trying again since September...i bought pre seed yesterday to try and help us r gonna start using it today....Did it work for you ladies? How long did you use it till you found ouy you were prego? I really want this baby as my children are growing up so fast 10yr old daugther and 6yr old son...any advice on this pre seed will help. Thank you all.

EDIT- - how do u know how many Grams to use...the papers says most women use 2- 3g so i started with 3....also can u only use iy during ur fertile week or can i use it on a normal day....asking that because my hubby is a OTR truck driver and is only home on weekends...and i was feryile this weekend my 3 highest days were saturday till today do he didnt leave till this morning used all three im no longet feryile after tmwr but can i still use pre seed this wkend when he comes home?