Has anyone else taken Femara to help ovulate?

My husband and I have been trying for baby #2 coming up on a year next month. I finally switched doctors after being with my first obgyn for 15 or more years. So no luck since getting off birth control a year ago. I needed to be with a hospital that had a NICU and team that could handle incase our 2nd was premature. My first was born at 32 weeks, but she was under weight for how far along we were. And her lungs weren't fully developed also. She had to be transported from the hospital I had her to a local children's hospital. Plus my obgyn could have cared less about my questions and concerns about now being labeled "high risk". She would just cut my husband and I off. So it was time for a hospital and doc change. Fast forward to the new doc, who sat with my husband and I, answered both our questions! He assured both of us that he worked with high risk and even the littlest of littles. It was like a breath of fresh air to hear we were in good hands when the time came. So now that we're coming up on a year of no baby yet, he put me on Femara. He has me wait till my first heavy day of my period, and count that as day one. So on day 3 I start the meds, take it through day 7, and make sure to have sex days 12-16. I should ovulate from the meds on day 14. So yesterday, feb 17 was day 14 for me. So I should have ovulated. So hubby and I have been on schedule with everything. But I'm so moody and tired. My skin hates me right me now. I forgot to ask the doc about the side effects. Just wondering if anyone else has been on it. My doc won't put me on clomid, for the slightly higher % of multiples. I just want to make it to 37 weeks. Or past 32 weeks with my next. Even though my daughter was born early, she was only in the NICU for a month. And was such a fighter. But she was my first and only, and it was much easier to stay close to her. I can't do that again with a little at home. But oh the mood swings. I understand it's all connected, just wanted to hear from others how it went for them if they've been on Femara.